For years, Impexron GMBH has been your trusted supplier of Pakkens products in the Ireland . We offer a vast selection of Pakkens tools and accessories at competitive prices, ensuring timely delivery across the UK.
Visit our website to explore our extensive catalog of Pakkens products. If you do not find the specific product you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to helping you find the perfect solution to meet your industrial needs.
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Important Notice: While we supply Pakkens products, Impexron GMBH is not an authorized distributor. All rights are reserved by the manufacturers and their official partners.
NCNO gas thermometer 60 160c diameter 2m
device for regulating the air + glass for condensate
Ø100mm-1 / + 1.5 bar psi ArkBaglCl10 ManovakumNCNO KontG1 / 2 "B
Ø100mm.0/ +120°C 100mm.Alt.Bağ,0 Bi-Metal Thermo.G1/2"B
TEMPERATURE SENSOR 100 mm length G 1/2 stainless steel
Ø160mm.0/10 bar-psi (0579 06;1,5 m.C.M.)
6 diameter 100 stainless steel pressure gauge with glycerine normally associated with open bottom
Manometer stainless steel diameter 100
160 MWe Electrical Maintenance Tank Heater Thermostat
manometer with glycerin
Screw-in thermowell for Art.Nr 66349302-S for Probe diameter: 8 mm Process connection: G 1/2 B Thermometer Connection: with locking screw Longitude 150 mm Material: Precious Thal
Bimetallic stainless steel thermometer: BiTh 160 E D 302-S Case diameter: 160mm Housing: noble Thal 304 (1.4301) with Bezel 304 (1.4301) Connection: noble valley 316 L (1.4404 /1.4435) smoothly downwardly Shaft length: 150 mm Shaft diameter: Ø 8mm Display area: 0/120 ° C Window: Instrument glass Accuracy class: 1 (EN 13190) Options see Gehöusegeruchmesser
Bourdon tube Industrial gauges: RF100 I D401 Gahäusedurchmesser: 100mm Connection: G1 / 2 B radially downward Display area: -1 / 1.5 bar Case: Stainless steel 304 (1.4301) with bayonet ring 304 (1.4301) Wetted parts: brass, copper alloy Window: Instrument glass Accuracy class: 1.0 Options: none
Bourdon tube Industrial and: RF 100 I D401 Diameter: 160 mm Connection: 1/2 B radially downward display range: 0/1 bar housing: 304 stainless steel (1.4301) with bayonet ring 304 (1.4301) Wetted parts: brass, copper alloy Window: Instrument glass accuracy class: 1,0 options: none
Bourdon tube Industrial gauges: RF 100I D401 Diameter: 100 mm Connection: 1/2 B radially downward Display range: 0/25 bar Case: Stainless steel 304 (1.4301) with bayonet ring 304 (1.4301) Wetted parts: brass, copper alloy Window: Instrument glass Accuracy class: 1.0 Options: none
Bourdon tube Industrial gauges: RF 160 I D401 Diameter: 160 mm Connection: 1/2 B radially downward Display area: 0/1 bar Case: Stainless steel 304 (1.4301) with bayonet ring 304 (1.4301) Wetted parts: brass, copper alloy Window: Instrument glass Accuracy class: 1.0 Options: none